Adult Education

General Resources

Intégration linguistique (French only)


  • Learning chocolate – A Vocabulary Learning Platform
    A vocabulary learning platform for students to improve vocabulary and practice pronunciation.
  • Learning English – Read, Listen & Learn
    Current events & English lessons in audio, text, & video format
  • Lingua – French texts for beginners
    French texts for beginners (A1/A2) and intermediates (B1/B2) to practice your French reading and comprehension skills. Learning to read French well is a genuine accomplishment. For beginning learners, we offer an enjoyable way to improve your comprehension with the brief, text-based lessons below.
  • Memrise
    An interactive way to learn a new language through video in bite-sized chunks.
  • NY Times – Plain English
    Current events articles run through a readability formula to make them easier for students to read.
  • Perfect English Grammar
    Exercices divers pour améliorer ses compétences en anglais.
  • Purdue online writing lab
    These OWL resources will help you with the writing process: pre-writing (invention), developing research questions and outlines, composing thesis statements, and proofreading. While the writing process may be different for each person and for each particular assignment, the resources contained in this section follow the general work flow of pre-writing, organizing, and revising.
  • Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
    Basic English listening activities to improve comprehension and vocabulary.
  • Reverso Speller
    French spell checker: check grammar and spelling for French texts.
  • Sylvie Auger, UQTR – Français langue seconde – Ressources en ligne
    Cette page présente des notions grammaticales et lexicologiques qui vous permettent d’effectuer rapidement des mises à niveau ou de parfaire votre formation en français langue étrangère.
  • That Quiz
    Site regroupant des quiz dans diverses matières (français, mathématique, anglais et sciences). Les  notions sont réparties selon les divers savoirs.
  • Trucs et stratégies en français – Allo-prof
    Ressources pour ameliorer vos compétences en lecture, en communication orale et en écriture.
  • Using English
    Exercices divers pour améliorer ses compétences en anglais.
  • UQTR – J’écoute, donc j’écris
    J’écoute, donc j’écris est un outil qui évalue la discrimination auditive d’un étudiant étranger, du niveau faux débutant au niveau avancé. Ses objectifs sont de sensibiliser l’étudiant à l’écoute et à l’orthographe des sons de la langue française pour lui permettre de développer sa qualité d’écoute, d’identifier ses difficultés et d’accroître ses compétences à l’oral, à l’écoute et à l’écrit.

Mathematics, Science and Technology

  • Canadian Space Agency
    In addition to the fun activities below, we propose resources for elementary and secondary students as well as activities to do in class, interesting videos and information on space careers.
  • CK-12
    Concept base learning in Math, Science, Social Studies, English and more. CK-12 believe every child on this planet should have equal access to great education.
  • Crash Course Chemistry with Hank Green – Youtube channel
    In 46 episodes, Hank Green will teach you chemistry! This course is mostly based on the 2012 AP Chemistry curriculum, but it also covers some introductory organic chemistry.
  • Crash Course Physics with Dr. Shini Somara – Youtube channel
    In 46 episodes, Dr. Shini Somara will help you find your place in the world — literally! — with physics. This course is based on introductory college-level material and the 2016 AP Physics I and II curriculum.
  • Desmos
    Online/app graphing calculator with pre-made examples. See this page for a list of activities tailored to the Quebec adult ed curriculum
  • GCF – Office
    Gain essential skills in Office 2019 and 365, including Microsoft Access, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
  • GeoGebra Math Apps
    Get our free online math tools for graphing, geometry, 3D, and more!
  • Grade 10 Math
    You will find notes, videos, quizzes, practices problems and answers for, lLinear relations, analytic geometry, trigonometry, triangles, functions and statistics, everything you want in grade 10 mathematics
  • L’Atlas climatique du Canada
    Ce site présente un outil interactif pour explorer de quelles façons les changements climatiques affectent les environnements et les communautés du Canada. Il combine la science climatique, la cartographie, la vidéographie et le conte d’histoire pour amener la question mondiale du changement climatique à un niveau local. Versions française et anglaise.
  • Math is fun
    We offer mathematics in an enjoyable and easy-to-learn manner, because we believe that mathematics is fun.
  • Netmath
    Site offrant des activités de mathématique tant pour la FGJ que la FGA. Il y a de nombreuses activités regroupées par sigle de la FGA. Versions française et anglaise.
  • PhET Simulation – Chemistry
    Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
  • PhET Simulation – Math
    Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
  • PhET Simulation – Physics
    Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
  • Science – Khan Academy
    Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
  • That Quiz
    Site regroupant des quiz dans diverses matières (français, mathématique, anglais et sciences). Les  notions sont réparties selon les divers savoirs.
  • The Free Math Tutor
    If you or your child are studying elementary level Math, the Blue link on the right leads to a set of selected lessons. For high school Math students, the Green and Orange links on the right lead to pages which demonstrate the main topics of high school Math.
  • The MATH LEARNING CENTER – Math at home
    MLC offers the public a large collection of free lessons and publications, including story books and student practice books.
  • The Physics Classroom
    A set of instructional pages written in an easy-to-understand language and complemented by graphics and Check Your Understanding sections. An ideal starting location for those grasping for understanding or searching for answers.
  • Your COVID-19 Chemistry Hometown!
    If you’re reading this right now, you’re probably doing so because a teacher has suggested that I’ve got good resources for the COVID-19 learner. I hope you’ll find the tutorials and worksheets here to be better than you’d feared.

Social Sciences

  • CK-12
    Concept base learning in Math, Science, Social Studies, English and more. CK-12 believe every child on this planet should have equal access to great education.
  • Crash courses economics
    In which Adriene Hill and Jacob Clifford teach you all about economics.
  • Éducaloi : Teaching Legal Life Skills
    Catalogue of activities containing numerous educational resources for a wide variety of target audiences.
  • Éducaloi : Teaching Legal Life Skills – Adult Education teaching guides
    Our guides were designed for Common Core Basic Education, but can be used in Diversified Basic Education and Vocational Training. We also have a one-pager with ideas on using our website and videos in the classroom.
  • Endeavour Online
    Welcome to Endeavour Online, a compilation of free web resources for students in the Endeavour Program at Place Cartier and its satellite classes, but also for students across both the LBSPB and the province who are registered in any Social Integration program. While we’ve designed this site for adult learners, most of the resources are appropriate for students of all ages, including children and seniors.
  • GCF – Money basics
    In this free tutorial, learn skills like creating a budget, managing a checking account, and planning for retirement.
  • Google Arts & Culture
    Visit museums and cultural discoveries online.
  • Historica Canada
    We’re the Canada people; we offer programs that you can use to explore, learn and reflect on our history, and what it means to be Canadian.
  • Historical Events
    Historical documentation online.

Personal Development, Working Life and Career Development

  • ParticipACTION
    Site qui encourage à être en santé grâce à l’activité physique.